About Me

I attended DigiPen Institute of Technology from 2018-2022 and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Game Design.

I am a passionate designer and avid gamer. I love to create engaging experiences for people through intricate level layouts, satisfying feedback, and a smooth user experience. I have also found a deep love for creating user interfaces for games, whether it's designing menu layouts or forming a functional and clear HUD. I also love to work with artists and programmers on testing and iterating on assets they have created.

Some of my favorite game series are The Elder Scrolls and Pokémon, although I also love to play a wide variety of multiplayer games with my friends. I enjoy looking at the design of other games when I play them, whether it is good, bad, or somewhere in the middle.


Unity Engine

Extensive experience working in the Unity engine to create prototypes and projects.


Basic knowledge of C# and extensive experience with scripting in Unity engine.   


Experience working on interdisciplinary teams of 10+ people and working together with programmers, artists, sound designers, and other game designers.

Unreal Engine

Experience working in Unreal engine to create prototypes and projects.


Experience working in Maya to create prototype levels, environments, and 3D models. 


Experience working as a solo developer and skilled at working independently on tasks for larger teams.


Extensive experience playtesting prototypes, gameplay, art assets, and sound assets and writing up reports for playtests.


Experience with developing UI wireframes and prototypes using Marvel.

Adobe Photoshop

Knowledge of Photoshop features and experience creating textures, sprites, and other assets in Photoshop. 


Experience working in Canva to develop wireframes, mock-ups, graphics, etc.